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Memories from St. Louis 99
King of Glory Mennonite Church


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Come to the River!


Ken Medema


Ken Medema was an amazing musician that would make up songs in response to the speakers. He always got a standing ovation even though he couldnt see it because he is blind.


Ken Medema after singing one of his great songs.

Mennonites come full circle back toward unity after 100 years of mission work


Leaders from both denominations met in Elkhart, Ind., to talk about the possibility of working together in overseas mission, as portrayed in a skit at the celebration. "Though we labored for hours, talking about a common mission work in India, in the end, we just couldn't do it," Jonathan Larson of Atlanta, appearing as GC missionary P.A. Penner, told John E. Sharp of Goshen, Ind., playing MC missionary J.A. Ressler.


Another part of the celebration was the launching of the New Century of Mission campaign, in which every North American Mennonite household will be challenged to give $100 over regular giving to mission by January 2001. Road Less Travelled, the duo of Doug and Jude Krehbiel of Newton, Kan., performed "This I Know," the song they had been commissioned to write for the campaign.

Different Signs


This sign was outside River City.


Someone had this car during the convention. What a great way to spread the word.


This banner hung beside the stage for all our worship services. If you have time, you should read the verses that are printed on it. It was the basis of the whole convention.

Activities During The Convention


Sumo wresteling was one of the activities in River City.


Two men are climbing a wall in River City.

St. Louis Worship Band


St. Louis 99 Worship Band L - R: Jason Tessen Banaman, Darryl Neustaedter Barg, Paul Dueck, Bryan Moyer Suderman, Shadell Permanand, Jen Thiessen, Front: Tim Dyck


Listen to a few snippets of songs using Real PlayerŽ

The River Is Here

Rivers Of Love

Sword Into A Ploughshare

New Earth, Heavens New

I Will Sing For Joy

Light The Fire

Move In Our Midst

St. Louis 99 Drama Team


St. Louis 99 Drama Team L - R: Laura Kraybill, Eli Ham, Ryan Good, Ammeral Johnson, Felipe Hinogosa, Christina Weber

Pictures of the Convention


These are just a few of the thousands of kids at the last worship service in the convention. Many watch as the crosses (in back) are brought in.


These two are showing off their names on the wall that was in River City.


This picture was taken before on of the morning worship services.


Here are a few people singing and clapping at one of the worship services.


A group of people sitting in the middle of the large crowd.


A group of people sing before the worship services.


King of Glory Mennonite Church * Brownsville * Texas * US * 78521